Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmastime is the only part of winter that I truly enjoy. Yes, the first snow is always beautiful, but then driving and shoveling become a chore and make the snow more of a nuisance than anything. Christmas is truly a time of brotherhood and goodwill to men.

Speaking of which, I joined a men's group at my church. We meet every Saturday morning and so far it has been a rewarding experience. Unfortunately when I came home from work this afternoon there was a message on my machine that one of our members fell down his stairs and broke his nose and an eye socket--ouch. I pray that he recovers soon, he really is a good man. In fact he spent this last Saturday helping to feed the homeless here in Niles.

My writers group has also become a rewarding experience. the introvert in me struggles to engage in conversation. However the passion in my soul is writing and that wins out over introversion.

Christmas is a time to give thanks. It is also a time to remember our loved ones, both those who are living and the departed. My fondest memories of youth are spending Christmas Eve at my Great Grandmother's house. Oh, how I wish I could return to those days.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Today is Pearl harbor day and it would do us all well to remember what happened so long ago. We all think that the world was a simpler place back then. In some respects it was. But in the world of politics it was pretty much the same. Reading Upton Sinclair has opened my eyes to a lot of the political intrigue that existed in the early part of the last century. In some ways the Middle East has not advanced. Assassination was the political weapon of choice in that time and in the Middle east it still seems to be that way. God help Lebanon--certainly no one else will. the Persians are setting their site on a new empire, the Europeans hide from the inevitable, and American stumbles with corrupt, inept, and sometimes incredibly stupid politics and media.

911 should have been a wake-up call to our politicians and to our society. Alas, it was temporary and the ridiculous people who set our sights on Iraq have set us back over thirty years. Our military is to small to fight a real war. We Americans are not willing to sacrifice our children to stupid needless wars, but the time will come when we will pay for our short sightedness.

Back to Pearl harbor, I googled a satellite picture of Pearl Harbor. The water was so clear that you can see the Arizona. That is a sad reminder of what can happen when we let our guard down.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Fighting for religion--have you ever heard anything so stupid? Muslims kill Christians and vice versa all in the name of defending our God. You clueless misguided people. Do you think God is so weak that he needs your help in defending himself? Do you not believe that God could wipe us all out of existence with a breath? The reason the Osamas of the world kill is because they want too. Look at the way the Palestinans cheered on 911. Look at George Bush justify killing thousands of innocents in the name of religion with the excuse that we are fighting for what is right. Perhaps we are right ... perhaps. But when Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek we cannot possibly justify going to another country and the killing of thousands of women and children. No more so than that sick bastard Osama and his band of deranged misanthropes.

I say abandon the Earth, venture forth to the stars and colonize new planets. Leave the meek minded behind to destroy this ball of dirt and themselves in the process. Spend the billions on research, not in conquest. We could be on Mars already if we had spent the money on research and not war. My God Bush, if you wanted to destroy the Iraqi people then drop a Nuke on them. Meanwhile drop one on everyone else that doesn't want to be a Capitalist.

Listen you moron fundamentalists of all the world's religions. God is God ... get it ... he needs your faith, your worship, your love. He does not need you to kill innocents in his name, in his defense. Those who crave power are evil, make no mistake about it, no one wants power for altrusitic reasons. God gave us dominion over animals--not dominion over each other. Everyone is equal in the eyes of God.

Go ahead and kill the children of God. You will gain dominion over Earth for a few years and then what do you plan on doing for eternity? Those who believe in a just and loving God know that our salvation will be in the afterlife.

Quit killing each other in the name of religion. If you are going to kill be truthful. You kill for greed, power, property, self-satisfaction, ignorance, lust, and just plain evil. Evil is pervasive on this planet and that has never been more evident then in last 100 years.

Stop murdering each other!! That is my ramble for today. This monkey has been on my back for a long time and I wanted to get it off. I will be more cheerful next time.