I watched the State of the Union speech last night and by the end my blood was boiling. Our democracy is not working. Even calling our government a democracy is a misnomer since we do not directly elect our president, instead relegating our votes to an electoral college. However, I digress and shall endeavor to keep on topic.
What made my simmering hemoglobin begin to boil was the obvious divide between the Republicans and Democrats. When one group stands in mass or another sits in mass it tells me we do not have free thinkers in our system. As long as our politicians are beholding to special interests and party bosses we have no true democracy.
Money rules, and I suspect with their latest ruling even the Supreme Court has been bought. It is precisely because of this greed on the part of our ruling classes that the United States is becoming a second tier power. Did anyone notice the Republicans sat on their hands when Obama said he wants to take away tax breaks from companies that export our jobs? Of course they do not want the companies they all hold stock in to lose any breaks. And if the companies have less money to spend who will fill the coffers of the politicians?
Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, The Huffington Post, they are all a joke. Take away their money and see if they still would be as “passionate” about this country as they claim to be. Where are all of our intelligent people? Do we have any wise people in the United States that actually care about our country more than their pocket books? I dare say you would be hard pressed to find a congressman or senator that lives a Spartan lifestyle. And if they did they would quickly become an outcast in the political world.
Capitalism works only when it is kept in check by a strong government. Why don’t the politicians get that?
Why can’t we have a strong independent party? Where are the free thinkers and the people that make this country great? Every nation that has ever been on this earth has failed for one reason or another. They usually fail from within due to corruption and greed. From all the signs we are heading towards a big fall in this country.
In 1977 I took an oath to defend my country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. How can I defend our country from ourselves?