Last week I finally got off my butt and published my book, Hook and Claw, on Amazon Kindle. I wrote the book a few years ago and sent out numerous queries to publishers. One of the publishers sat on the book for over six months, sending my work through various levels of readers until the final reader, obviously a malcontent, decided she did not like the voice or perhaps it was something else. Dismayed I put the book back into my electronic filing cabinet and tried to forget about it.
My muse however, would have none of that. Tickling my brain for over ten years she, and yes my muse is a she, finally pushed me into doing something. Perhaps it was my own indignation that said I could write better than ninety percent of the crap coming out on Amazon. Perhaps I am living a fools dream. Perhaps!
I wrote the book as a result of various classes I took in pursuit of my Master's degree from Indiana University. The classes included local history, Native American Literature, Film Noir, Creative Writing with Francis Sherwood, and the class that taught me critical thinking with Ken Smith. Dr Smith would become the sponsor for my Master's Thesis and with his help, constructive criticism, humor, and gentle suggestions, Hook and Claw came into being.
Dr Smith is one of those rare teachers with the ability to make you feel good about yourself as he delivers constructive criticism. Always searching the students motives for clues as to why the wrote a certain way, Dr Smith is a word sleuth of the utmost degree. Without his help I believe the book would have become a task instead of what it is, a work of love.
Someone once said that most author's works are underwhelming until the third novel. If that is the case I better get cracking and get another one under my belt before I write the "good one."