Thursday, May 24, 2018


The definition of racism found in the dictionary consists of three parts:

1.    A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine the cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that ones own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular group is inferior to others.
2.    A policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3.    Hatred or intolerance of another race or races.

The first definition is the key to understanding racism.  It is a belief, not a fact.  Some of us believe in the Trinitarian God, in Angels, in the Power of the Holy Spirit.  That is a belief of faith.  Racism on the other hand is a belief that is taught out of hatred.  We are all made in the image of God, so the Bible says.  But even for those who do not believe in a loving God, the science of biology and DNA should be enough proof for anyone of intelligence that the all members of the human race are made up of the same building blocks.  And just like building blocks, we wear a façade on the outside of our bodies that can be painted any color; in the case of human beings, the color is caused by melanin in our skin.  Cut us open and we all look the same.

Racism is taught and believed by some of the same folks who teach the Earth is flat, vaccines are evil, climate change is made up, rocks falling in the ocean account for the rise in sea level, and cigarettes do not cause cancer.  At one time, the Earth was considered the center of the universe and good, intelligent men were persecuted for saying so.  Not so long ago doctors laughed at the notion of germs, and sanitary conditions in operating rooms did not exist.  Ignorance is hard to conquer if the ignorant do not want to change. 

In our country, we brought slaves from Africa and indentured servants from Europe.  Neither was treated well.  Slaves who escaped were severely punished, as were the people who helped them.  Even educating a slave was illegal.  Evil has existed for as long as mankind has been on this planet.  Evil and Love coexist as darkness and light.  We pretend that evil can be vanquished like some disease, and it is a disease.  However, it is not that easy.

Evil mutates!  Like a virus that adapts to changing environments, so too evil adapts.  If people are not discriminated based on the skin color we humans will find some other facet to discriminate against: intelligence, wealth, sexual identify, gender, class, lineage, you name it and we will discriminate.  I was picked on in school for being a red head, a minor annoyance and not comparable to institutional racism, yet discrimination it was, especially for a severe introvert who only wanted to be left alone.  I once watched an episode of Oprah where she divided the audience between eye colors, awarded one color with a prize, and discriminated against the other.  A simple and effective exercise and yet it has stuck with me for years.  We poor white folks feel discrimination when we are picked last for a basketball game, or don’t win the local Miss Teen pageant.  What about the black man, who whistles at a white woman, and then is lynched for his audacity.  Lynching was the way the white folks carried out their perverse form of justice and they still called themselves Christian.  I have news for them though, Jesus in Luke 13:27 says "But he will reply, 'I don't know you or where you come from.  Away from me, all you evildoers!' 

I have witnessed discrimination my entire life.  In a previous post, I talked about the poor Mexican boy who was thrust into my fourth grade class and I comforted him as he cried.  I did not encounter black children until I went to middle school, and honestly, I was scared of them (I was taught to be scared).  All except Willy, a black kid in my section (advanced) and he was in all my classes.  My favorite teachers were black and I still remember them with fondness.  In fact, the only teachers I didn’t like in my entire school years were two white men, one was a sadistic jerk, and the other tried to destroy the dreams of a young teen.

When I joined the Navy, I saw more discrimination and at the same time, I saw opportunities for those ignored by the so-called normal society.  I once heard a white man from Arizona brag about taking potshots at Indians, and I instantly despised the fool.  I served with a Puerto Rican who had a chip the size of Rhode Island on his shoulder ( I now know why), a Born-Again Christian that the entire division picked on, and I did not wholly sympathize until I grew older and hopefully wiser.

For those that say racism is outdated, I might compare you to an Ostrich, your head buried in the sand, and your worldview seen through your sphincter.  Last Christmas, I attended a dinner at one of our local high-class restaurants.  One of my coworkers, who is African-American, was repeatedly ignored and skipped over by the wait staff until his wife interceded on his behalf.  I talked with some of my coworkers later and they hadn’t noticed.  I realized that most of us are blind to our white-privilege.  This wasn’t forty or fifty years ago, it is happening today.  Look at our government, how many people of color served with the Republican side of Congress last year?  How many people of color serve on the president’s staff?  Believe me, the Republican party of today is not the party of Lincoln, they have mutated.

Our country is being torn apart and our own government is complicit.  Look at our president interfering in the National Football League.  Look at him destroying anything Obama did and bragging about it, just because Obama was black.  Evil persists and it seems to be winning.  Our people have become so stupid they ignore the facts that the Russians fuel and fan the flames of discrimination in this country, with the full knowledge and consent of the evildoers in this country.

There is hope!  We may destroy those that preach peace and love; Martin Luther King and Gandhi come to mind as two who sacrificed their lives.  I listened to Bishop Curry preach at Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding and his message was one of love and reconciliation.  Will we listen the message, or will we listen to the fear-mongers, the haters, and the dividers?  What will win, Love or hate?  At this point, I am not sure.  Jesus said the ruler of this world was defeated.  I am beginning to think Jesus won the battle, but the war is far from over and evil is still fighting back.  We must do our part to ensure Love and Goodness win; we must fight evil with all our strength for the sake of our children and future decedents. Love is the only way.

Please educate yourself on our past and our present state.  Whenever someone tries to divide us then you should question their motives.  Follow the links below to some sermons, speeches, and history.  Wikipedia may not always be a reliable source but the reference links at the bottom of the pages are usually reliable.

Monday, May 07, 2018

Spring and Musings from the Inside of a Bald Head

Spring, the first thoughts that spring forth in my mind are green, then new life, then slinky.  Yeah, the slinky popped into my thoughts springing from a youthful toy that still amuses.  Green and new life on the other hand is what awaits me as I look out the window.

I sit at my dinner/writing table gazing into a mirror that reflects the view from outside.  I see green grass, dotted with yellow heads of dandelions, a Redbud bursting with purple flowers, and a Beech tree pushing forth greenery from its buds.  Coming closer, I see my bald head reflected in the mirror, with the only signs of new growth the stubble of a day old beard.  To my side is a Kinkade painting, A Quiet Evening, a cottage next to a stream, surrounded by trees and flowers.  It is to the painting I sometimes retreat, seeking peace and solace, a cottage filled with the contents of my imagination.

Then back to the bald headed person in the mirror.  Who is he?  Sixty years ago, he had a full head of red hair and probably a full diaper.  What dreams did the baby dream?  Did he still hear the voice of God?  A brain, an empty slate ready to have life’s adventures, toils, and tribulations recorded therein.  Oh how I would love to venture back in time and whisper so many secrets to that child. 

What would I tell the child?  Would I be a good capitalist and tell him, to buy Microsoft and Amazon?  Perhaps I would say find your true purpose in life early and pursue your dreams, seek good and wise counsel, and most of all trust your instincts.  Discover the strengths that lie within you, and always learn.  Truthfully I would tell him to pursue his dreams to be happy and buy Microsoft to eat well.

I was a very shy child.  I remember the first time I felt compassion, at least a time that is ingrained in my memory.  I was in fourth grade and in the middle of the first semester a new kid was introduced, Manuel Gomez, a Mexican child who lived in a ramshackle house at the edge of the woods not far from my home.  I noticed he was crying and alone, and I talked to him at recess and we ended up good friends.  I still remember the pumpkin filled empanada his mother gave me, so sweet, so delicious, and I have never tasted one better. 

Compassion, coupled with empathy can be both a wonderful gift and a deadly curse.  I can sense what people are feeling, their love, their fears, and their hate.  Mostly the hate is a result of fear and/or ignorance and that can sometimes be conquered with education and love.  Hate, that resides in an educated individual, or an institution, that hate is pure evil, and evil rarely responds to love. 

Sixty years, sixty times around the sun, not even a full blink in the all-seeing eye of the cosmos.  I have seen love and I have seen hate.  Today, in this world, I see hate winning, and it is sad.  But today, at this moment in time, I look past my bald head and gaze at the purple tree, the green grass, and even the dandelions, and my heart sings with joy.  I will do my best not to let hate win.  Love will be victorious!