The rich, insulated in their gated communities, fat off the spoils of other people’s labors, could care less. The rich, who never seem to have enough, have engorged themselves in a wealth of hypocrisy. The rich, twice in the last one hundred years have driven this country and the world downward into a depression and a recession. Then they have the audacity to blame the poor, always the poor, those eternal scapegoats, those who cannot defend themselves. Only the poor commit violence. I imagine the group in Mar Largo is having a prayer session and laughing it up with their God Mammon.
Ask yourself, who wins from this violence, who wins from selling weapons? Not the poor freaking hillbilly that owns fifty rifles and shotguns because he thinks that will save him from enemy. Who is the enemy? The military-industrial complex wins and they rule the country, just as Eisenhower warned us in his Cross of Iron speech. We did not listen then and we will not listen now. Where do you think ISIS got their weapons? They didn’t grow them, but that is the subject for another rant.
In the end, at least until he is a radioactive cinder, Putin wins. His puppets will destroy this country and at the same time convince us that it is our own fault. HE is correct though, it is our fault; our arrogance and our hypocrisy are driving this country to the brink of the abyss.
We are not a Christian nation, not even close. If Christ set foot one foot in this nation and preached for the safety of immigrants, for the rights of women, for the abolition of guns, what do you think would happen? I know what would happen, he would be beaten, thrown in a private prison, and crucified. It is a never-ending story.
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